Mar 08, 2023 Design Is Invisible Let's take a stroll through Lucius Burckhardt's ideas and explore them in today's digital context
Apr 13, 2022 Kitsch - Du willst es doch auch Was ist Kitsch? Und was zur Hölle hat das mit User Experience zu tun? Eine kleine Reise in gestalterische Abgründe.
Oct 14, 2019 Privacy and humane Design Talking about privacy fundamentals and privacy as chance for a more humane design
Feb 25, 2019 UX Survival Workshop A communication workshop to learn how to survive in UX-hostile or -immature environments and begin influencing them in a positive way
Sep 28, 2018 Being an Evil Mastermind Being an Evil Mastermind - Part 1 & 2 - guides for designers or information architects to exploit the corporate system
Oct 17, 2017 Privacy by Default - The Presentation Introduction and slides for my talk about my concept for privacy in a world with the internet of things